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The Angry Sun from Super Mario Bros. 3: A Review

Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES, 1990)

Accurately captures what it is like to live in Texas

The summer Texas sun? You cannot escape it. Shade doesn't help -- hell, the sun going down barely helps. This angry sun is a remarkably accurate depiction.

Not as scary as Phantos

Those terrifying mask guys in Super Mario Bros. 2 (USA)? Yeah they’re way scarier than this sun.

But damn this guy still scared me when I was a kid

It’s so funny. The Angry Sun is actually in this game for a total of like 30 seconds but those 30 seconds were the longest of my childhood. Absolute, anxiety-inducing fear. Actually believed the physical sun could get angry and follow me. Mom had to talk me down like when I thought The Mountie was actually electrocuting people.

5.7 / 10

Angry Sun comes out on the positive side for being an effective enemy design that scared children across this beautiful globe.

One Comment

  • Avatar Joshua Jarvis says:

    Accurate assessment. My immediate thought upon reading the headline was, “man, I hated that angry sun, but it had nothing on Phanto.”

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