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Rescuing Honey Bunny in Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle: A Review

The Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle (NES, 1989)

There she is!

Honey Bunny is back in Bugs' arms!

Wait, that was the plot of this game?

All I know is the box art looks like a typing game or something but it has Bugs Bunny on it. Why is the castle crazy? I was rescuing my...wife????

Which of my supposed friends kidnapped my wife?

Sylvester the Cat and Bugs never had beef iirc but Daffy maybe! Yosemite Sam for sure! But wife kidnapping?

Sorry I can't let this go

Really Bugs has a wife and we're only finding this out at the end of the game? Who kidnapped Bugs Bunny's wife? Why are these people still hanging out?

3.7 / 10

I'm glad I got my wife back but what the fuck is going on

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