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Vivi Doing The Best He Can In The Poison Cage: A Review

Final Fantasy IX (PlayStation, 2000)

What a guy!

If I were trapped in the poisonous grasp of a killer plant after my airship crashed I would simply lay down and die. My guy Vivi is throwing fireballs directly into this thing's brain. Wow!

Properly frames the kind of character Vivi is

Yes he's small. Yes he's vulnerable. Yes he needs to be protected. But most of all, he needs to be hyped up! He is simply the best of us but, like the rest of us, needs help from his friends all the same!


I accidentally targeted you and not the plant and I actually hit you oh my god oh my god dude are you okay I'll give you a potion one second GOD THE FULL TRANCE ANIMATION??? NOW????

7.7 / 10

A harrowing situation that taught me how to target properly AND showed me the innate, layered character of one of Final Fantasy‘s very best.

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